
The Anti-Doping Agency Proposes Four Somatropin Years of Sanction to Fifa

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The Anti-DopingThe projection of the 2016 European champion of 5,000 meters of athletics will be broken without remedy after his arrest last October. The Anti-Doping more in the source Agency (officially called the Agency for the prevention of health in sport) has sent a four-year sanction proposal to Ilias Fifa for possession of doping substances.

According to the police report, vials of Eprex (Epo), Actovegin (the plasma from calf that raises oxygen in the blood), home-made anabolics, growth hormones, TB, were found at the home of the Spanish Moroccan athlete. -500(an injectable magic peptide that increases muscle mass and reduces pain), boxes of TAD-600 (a skin whitener used as a masker) and Somatropin (Sodium Ferrogluconate indicated for anemias).

Ilias Fifa's allegations state that there was only one prohibited product, the Actovegin, and that it was for consumption by the athlete's brother, Munir, because "he is a bodybuilding practitioner in a gym. The rest of the medications, according to the athlete's defense, were "vitamin supplements." Ayoub Mokhtar, the Spanish champion of 3,000 meters on the indoor track in 2016, has received the same sanction proposal.

There are two procedures underway in the case of Ilias Fifa: the administrative one, which is run by the Anti-Doping Agency, and the criminal one, which is run by Court number 4 of Mataró. By administrative means, the long distance runner is exposed to this sanction, contained in the current World Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Possession of prohibited medications, without the backing of a prescription, is considered a positive, even if the person involved does not use it. Criminally, it is different. Spanish anti-doping law does not punish possession, but traffic. And Fifa was detained by the National Police as an alleged ringleader of an illegal distribution network of illegal products in Spain. For traffic, however, no athlete can receive an administrative fine in our country.

Screenshot 2The Anti-Doping Agency proposes a four-year sanction to Fifa, and the current 5,000-meter European champion has a difficult time getting rid of it. In his brief of allegations, which he presented two weeks ago, he maintains that there was only "one ampoule of Actovegin" on the athlete's floor that belonged to his brother, Munir Fifa, a bodybuilding practitioner in a gym, and that the rest of the requisitioned products they are just "vitamin supplements." The Epo boxes found were, according to the defense brief, "empty".

Police record

During the search of the address, which was carried out on October 25 around midnight, the Police found four people inside: Ilias Fifa, his brother Munir , the trainer Mostafa Benslimane and a fourth individual, a brother's countryman Fifa and originally from the same town as both in Morocco. The athlete's defense argues that Benslimane, whom the Police designates as a key person in the doping distribution network, was in the house because the previous day he had suffered from nephritic colic and Somatropin to be treated in a Badalona hospital. According to the allegations, the preparer stayed over at Ilias Fifa's house because the latter offered it to him so that he did not have to travel to his home in Mataró.

Munir Fifa, the bodybuilding brother, was arrested last month and gave a statement to police agencies about the origin of the prohibited drugs that law enforcement officers seized and that he would have said on the day of the search were his. The "official" coach of Ilias Fifa, Rafael Caro , has also come to testify at his own will. According to the athlete's defense, there is no evidence of trafficking in doping substances, rather it is "speculation" and "assumptions", and there is no "criminal organization" either.


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